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Riding for the Rez—Part II


During the 2016 Giving Challenge run by the Community Foundation of Sarasota County, he obligated himself to ride 600 miles on the Legacy Trail over a 13 day period. He actually rode a total of 651 miles!

This effort by volunteer Roland Levy helped raise additional funds for Resurrection House during the Giving Challenge. Although the next Giving Challenge will not be held until 2018, Levy had decided to once again test his stamina by riding another 600 miles.

As an endurance cyclist, I plan to cover the 600 miles between October 31 and November 13,” Levy states. “This is a true labor of love for me and a way to demonstrate to others my commitment to the work accomplished by Resurrection House,” Roland continued.

Having years of training dealing with individuals with chronic mental illness, and alcohol and drug dependency, Roland was a Licensed Mental Health Counselor. In 2015, he published his first book titled, “What Keeps Us Sober”. In addition, Roland serves on the Board of Directors for the Secular Organizations for Sobriety.

Click here to download Ridin’ for the Rez Donation Pledge Form

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