Giving Back
Winston Churchill once said “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”. This quote has always been one of my favorites even more so when I decided to retire last fall from my role as President of the Sarasota Memorial Healthcare Foundation. While many find their way to the golf course during their retirement years, my focus and passion became volunteering. Any opportunity to give back whether it was hurricane relief, feeding the hungry or serving the homeless, I was there to try and help out in some small way. The Resurrection House became one of the organizations I found myself volunteering at each week. My Thursday morning shift in the laundry area was a consistent highlight of my week.
Jesus showed his servant leadership by washing the feet of his disciples. I got to show mine at the Resurrection House by washing someone’s laundry. These small acts of kindness that are done each and every day at the Resurrection House go a long way in touching a heart and helping our clients know they are not forgotten.
Regarding my next chapter here at the Resurrection House, I’m thrilled to be given the opportunity to be its next leader as the Interim Executive Director. Under Bill Wilson’s leadership, the organization has accomplished a lot and has served its mission well. It is clear to see that those who have been involved over the years have given tirelessly of themselves to help those much less fortunate. I’m looking forward to building upon the great work of our dedicated community, board, volunteers and staff.
Mason Ayres
Interim Executive Director